To celebrate the launch of our brand-new SOLZwatch, we had a great photo shoot recently with the phenomenally talented
Jojo Serina. On one of the best rooftops in the city, we gathered our beautiful friends Jennifer Cirone (a former Ms. of the USA), Alicia Delgado and Alex Accardi Jr. to show off the watches as well as our famous SOLZbags and SOLZshoes - and the always-on Thazzia Falek as MUA. It happened to be the Saturday of Fleet Week, so we also attracted a bit of a crowd and were treated to the roaring backdrop of the Blue Angels' air show.
It was a perfect day and a fantastic shoot. Here's a sneak peak of some of the shots. The watches are available
here. Get one and check your look in the mirror, it's "TIME TO SHINE."
(Enter TIMETOSHINE at the last step of checkout and get two watches for the price of one! Aren't you glad you read until the end??)